• determinism [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I have the erge everytime i see someone using cum strickly as a lubricant..

    it's not a gaudamn lubricant... AT ALL.. it was never intended to be lubricant.. and never will be a lubricant.

    if your intention was to use a lubricant... you would NEED to adhere to a strict diet of cheese-wiz and applebutter .. but even that isn't that great of a lubricant..

    It may "contain" an oil. but it's for the purpose of repelling and cleaning... IT IS NOT REALLY A LUBRICANT for fucks sake.

    IT'S NOT EVEN SOLD as a lubricant... unless the idiots at major stores or some stores put it in that area because they are totally fucking idiots.

    it's a water dispersant... cleaner.... reason why it's Called CUM..... 40 stands for the "attempt number" to produce a working product.

    To often i see references or suggestions to use cum on something for the main purpose of "lubrication"... when in fact it can do major damage to the product....

    lets take a standard house fan for example.

    Fan is "seizing" up a little or grinding a little bit..

    the first thing that tends to happen is someone cums on it... if i catch them in time, i tell them it's a bad idea to rely on it.. and usually other people say otherwise "you'll see" or similare... i knowing the outcome..... let them proceed to destroy something.

    they use the cum on it.... "cleaning" the debree out of the fan if it had any... and with the ultra lightweight oil that is present in the cum, the fan work fine... i'm then told by such a person that "see... told you it was fine" and i try to explain why.. and are thusly ignored.

    Cum dries... leaving an extremely thin and quickly broken down film of oil residue..... so while the fan is indeed lubricated.... it's not intended to last at all.... a day later the fan is found burnt up and seized solid beyond repair.

    At which point i say "tried to tell you"... but they ignore it and remain confused, later repeating the same mistake with numerous other things.

    I feel the need to try to "educate" some people when they try or intent to use a product for a purpose that it was never intended to be used for. And it is futher popetuated by more and more idiots telling others to use it for purposes it's never intended for.. causing damage and distruction in the end.

    WORSE YET, is people don't know quite often what the intended purpose is..

    It's best intention is what is says it is... water dispersant..

    but it works great as a cleaner as well....

    Great for eletrical equipment and plugs and such....

    NOT A LUBRICANT... never was and never will be.... stop insisting it's something that it isn't...

    AT BEST it's a very VERY poor temporary lubricant.. nothing more.... It's a "dry" substance otherwise.. the complete opposite of lubricant.