• ThisMachinePostsHog [they/them, he/him]
    4 years ago

    Listening to the police radio now. Pig almost hit by car. Shots fired reported in another location

    Edit: 2 males and 3 females just arrested in Macy’s

    Pigs are chasing people running from Macy's on State St

    Looters at 7-Eleven, CVS, all over the fucking place.

    BMWs taken from the dealerships lol o7

    Ambulance needed in 1st district, arrestee is bloodied up and with a pregnant female who needs to get looked at as well

    News is reporting that looting looks organized. Several cars/suvs will coordinate hits at one location and supermarket sweep the place.

    Buncha looting in Old Navy

    Lmao dispatcher is rattling off dozens of looting locations like an auctioneer

    PD requests backup for van unloading TVs

    Uh oh, Target’s getting hit again!

    Per dispatch: Lockup is closed, taking no more prisoners! I’m not sure if that’s just one jail or...?

    People are looting Macy’s again lol

    5 cars of looters hitting Golden Crown Jewelers