W.E.B. Du Bois, born on this day in 1868, was a seminal American intellectual, author, and socialist and civil rights activist who co-founded both the Niagra Movement and the NAACP. Du Bois grew up in a relatively tolerant and integrated community, and, after completing graduate work at the University of Berlin and Harvard, he became a professor of history, sociology, and economics at Atlanta University.

Du Bois was a prolific author notable for his polemics against racism. Among his works are "The Souls of Black Folk", a collection of essays, and "Black Reconstruction in America", which challenged the prevailing orthodoxy that black people were responsible for the failures of the Reconstruction Era. Du Bois was also a Pan-Africanist and helped organize several Pan-African Congresses to fight for the independence of African colonies from European powers.

Du Bois believed that capitalism was a primary cause of racism, and he was generally sympathetic to socialist causes throughout his life. Because of this, he was spied upon by the U.S. government, who eventually indicted him for acting as an agent of a foreign state while advocating for nuclear disarmament. Notably, the NAACP did not support Du Bois during his trial, which ultimately failed to convict him.

Nevertheless, he chose to leave the US behind him and emigrated to Ghana, at the invitation of President Kwame Nkrumah, where he spent the rest of his life. He died on the eve of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, on August 27, 1963 in Accra, Ghana.

"The problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color line." - W.E.B. Du Bois

Hola Camaradas :fidel-salute-big: , Our Comrades In Texas are currently passing Through some Hard times :amerikkka: so if you had some Leftover Change or are a bourgeoisie Class Traitor here are some Mutual Aid programs that you could donate to :left-unity-3:

The State and Revolution :flag-su:

:lenin-shining: :unity: :kropotkin-shining:

The Conquest of Bread :ancom:

Remember, sort by new you :LIB:

Yesterday’s megathread :sad-boi:

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!genzedong@hexbear.net :deng-salute:

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  • Wojackhorseman2 [he/him]
    3 years ago

    My so is doing her taxes and she makes “too much money” for one of the credits she was looking at despite making less than 18k a year lol

    • Gay_Wrath [fae/faer]
      3 years ago

      fucking absurd, the poverty line should be raised to like 30k minimum. I think rn it's like 12k /person but the cheapest apartment i've seen these days is like $800/month even in small towns, in other words impossible to support yourself on that income.

      Honestly i want it the tax system in this country to be:

      You make less than say... 100k a year? You keep it all.

      You make 100k+, tax some.

      And then just make up the pennies they would take from the poor by taxing the everloving piss out of the rich.

      Also cutting down our huge military expenditures would lighten the tax burden significantly. And if we stopped giving billions to the FBI and CIA lol...

      • Wojackhorseman2 [he/him]
        3 years ago

        It’s ridiculous in our city you can’t find an apt for less than 1200 that isn’t literally falling apart or unsafe to live in. Even 1200 will get you a pretty ratty place. Everyone practically has to have roommates it’s not uncommon for couples to have roommates to make ends meet.

        I’m with you idk how you could be making less than 40k and not be struggling

        • Gay_Wrath [fae/faer]
          3 years ago

          Yeah i was in deep poverty on minimum wage, like barely able to make rent even living with someone, and i didn't start to feel like i had it conquered and was saving up money till i was lucky enough to get a job making around $40k in the city. Now i can finally save and have a decently okay apartment i split instead of a really shit one and now i can finally afford to get my car fixed up when it needs it.

          Thinking about how you could buy a house and go to college and get a car and support multiple people if one of you had a minimum wage job in my parent's era. (Probably only true for white dudes tbf but still)