Did any other US Americans hear this shit growing up from pretty much every teacher or authority figure? Maybe I did just because I grew up in a conservative area. Like, you can talk about how overwhelming majorities of Americans support increasing the minimum wage or universal healthcare. But the response is always something along the lines of "well sure but people aren't smart and you can't just going along with giving people what they want. That's how you get another Hitler!" I'm sure there's a lib version of this argument but growing up I heard this particular variant from conservatives around me.

And yet these same people tout how wonderful our "democracy" is and how anything other than liberal bourgeois democracy is "authoritarianism".

FWIW I also sort of grew up among people who while not rich, were usually upper middle class and fairly comfortable. There was always a decent amount of classism / hatred of the poor in what they said. As if they are the wise parents telling children they can't have any candy or something. Hatred of the poor is such a huge driver of political opinions in the US, but that's a topic for another thread.

  • MichoganGayFrog [they/them]
    4 years ago

    Every dad says communism looks good on paper but doesn't work in reality. They have never looked at what communism is on paper or in practice.

    • Norm_Chumpsky [he/him]
      4 years ago

      My theory (since my dad is a boomer) is: communism on paper = I dropped a bunch of acid in college and realized we're all one with the universe. Communism in practice = scary USSR wants to blow us up and take our toothbrushes.

      • MichoganGayFrog [they/them]
        4 years ago

        My dad would be like...late boomer born in 61 and never went to college or did drugs (I suspect he maybe did some blow in the 80s). He just went to school during the cold war and never made an independent effort to learn anything further. He's all over the place but gradually coming around by which I mean conceding to every point I make while not changing his views at all which is basically very liberal socdem. He's grilling, it's fine. Dude can retire next year and just give.

        • Norm_Chumpsky [he/him]
          4 years ago

          Having formative years during the Cold War definitely seems to be the disconnect. Even if they have socialistic sympathies, the concept of socialism has been poisoned for them..

          • MichoganGayFrog [they/them]
            4 years ago

            Yeah pretty much. Mine wouldn't fight it either. They'll go with whatever is done to them.