Canada's Parliament just voted to declare it a genocide. And I've been seeing a lot of conflicting takes on it on twitter and here. From what I can gather from researching the main issue is lack of indication of full on genocide there, but there also seems to be a fair amount of evidence that these camps do exist. I fail to see how that is "good" as people on this site appear to be indicating?

  • Wojackhorseman2 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Many Uighurs do not speak Mandarin Chinese, which is usually the prerequisite for any good-paying job or government position, and few are as well educated as the immi grants.

    Might be a good idea to fund some education of the locals then lol

    Seriously tho I’m a bit incredulous of and would lightly push back on basing so much of this off a Hong konger professor that went to school all through out the west and who’s work has been tapped by the nyt and others as a basis for some of the news about what’s going on there.

    I agree with you that there’s probably definitely some shit that’s bad or in need of improvement going on as always there will be with these kinds of things, who know how individuals on the ground are acting, but I can’t imagine speaking with such authority about it and saying things like “it’s as bad as bush’s war on terror” which seems like some extreme hyperbole.