• ElGosso [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Can you provide examples of China actually doing this? or do you just assume they are because that's what the west does all the time

    • congressbaseballfan [she/her]
      3 years ago

      A few quick thoughts... I mean, I realize people are taking my criticism of China the wrong way. I don’t think it’s reasonable to even suggest that China is doing “imperialism” in the sense that the west has and still does. It’s just not accurate and makes no sense. But when being critical of china’s economic influence, some will jump to the conclusion that it’s just China bad discourse.

      China doesn’t use hard power save for a few occasions, and for that matter doesn’t even wield soft power (diplomatic strangling and sanctions). They do however, have a history of doing cia style shenanigans - moderate rebels type stuff, as well as neutralizing MLM movements in Myanmar and elsewhere. Economically they are extracting resources and surplus value of labor from Africa. No different than what Elon Musk would have done in Bolivia. China doesn’t need a coup to get what it wants.

      If you think in terms of Lenin - imperialism being the last stage of capitalism, China has usurped America as an imperial power in that its capital is not only flowing to the global south but to America. Chinas foreign investment helps to make it’s currently a competitor to the dollar as global reserve currency, which would be the final nail in the coffin of American imperialism.a

      Very minor compared to the heinous crimes of the west, but still