morshupls both-sides

maybe-later-kiddo cia janet-wink Say the line Bernie! Your "supporters" are getting too inconvenient again!

flattened-bernie Israel has the right to defend itself.

anakin-padme-2 and of the Palestinians right to resist occupation, genocide, and aparthied?


He even holds his tounge @ 3:50 - 4:00

"Palestinians are facing an unprecidented modern.....[humanitarian crisis]"

He knows it's a GENOCIDE but he won't say it.

  • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
    11 months ago

    Fucking coward. Got to protect that political capital so he can introduce a couple more useless, milqetoast motions that will never get anywhere close to passing to see off his last years.

    Corbyn was always too weak to truly fight his corner too, but at least he's not doing this sort of betrayal for an audience that hates him anyway.

    Israeli air strikes have hit Al Ahli hospital in Gaza. More than 500 people - patients, doctors & those sheltering - have been killed. What unspeakable horror. We will mourn their loss forever. Our leaders could have spoken up for peace. They chose to cheer on war instead. When will they demand an end to these atrocious war crimes? How many Palestinian lives will it take to call for these indiscriminate killings to stop? Please, for the sake of humanity, raise your voice for an immediate ceasefire. The existence of the Palestinian people is at stake.

    He hasn't walked it back or taken it down despite millions of people on Twitter and in the media screaming about how actually its 100% proven that this was a Hamas false flag and he knows that and is just being Hitler.

  • Leper_Messiah [he/him]
    11 months ago

    If ukraine, covid & BLM hadn't already made me realize that yes, not one single democratic politician is worth voting for by my standards then this would have definitely drove the last nail into the coffin

    anyone who even tries to tell me it's important for harm reduction to vOtE bLuE can eat my entire asshole