These are the leftist professors they keep warning us about?

  • LibsEatPoop2 [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Some beautiful moments from that thread -

    Here in Europe there is no link with gun culture in the leftsphere.

    If the gov't wants to stop you, they fucking will. You will never seize it by force, only through the ballot box.

    And finally,

    This is about shutting down the gatekeeping 20 to 25 year white male leftists have taken over a historical movement that they know nothing about. If they want to be violent and revolutionary in the U.S., then I wholly encourage it. The state forces in service of capitalists would put an end to that pretty quickly and it would do little to stunt the work of the left in the U.S. which has gained major traction in the last five or so years. The difference between this small group (I'm assuming you're part of) and the rest of the left--social democrats and democratic socalists being a small part of the rest--is that we acknowledge your existence, you just act like the rest of us don't exist--nor, apparently, have we ever according to FartnArtist over here.

    • Nounverb [none/use name]
      4 years ago

      Ah yes electoralism will win... Eventually... Eventually... Coming any day now

    • mayo_cider [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Good thing the government is powerless against the ballot box. If only they had those in Germany in the 30's.

    • p_sharikov [he/him]
      4 years ago

      If the capitalists have such an overwhelming advantage in force, why would they hand over the reins of power just because they lost a vote? What are you gonna do if they refuse?