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  • LeninsRage [he/him]
    4 years ago

    They're being disingenuous on purpose.

    They literally always twist the words of their critics to spread ridiculous smears like this.


    I mean the stimulus checks and Syria airstrike are good examples of this.

    "You want the Democrats to fulfill their lies promises and send $2,000 checks immediately? Do you think the President is a dictator, he's actually powerless! You're saying Trump exercised such power regularly and we're just choosing not to? Do you literally want Biden to act like Trump, a fascist?"

    "Oh you're against dropping bombs on Syria? Well we didn't drop bombs on Syria per say, we dropped bombs on Iranian-backed militias." (The way they're spinning this is to make it seem like these are Iranian-based terrorists or w/e who have entered Syria to fight) "Also this strike was retaliatory for their attacks on American Troops. Are you against this country defending its soldiers?"

    Both of these arguments are willfully ignoring the actual arguments left-wing critics are making. Those being "The Democrats have the power to fulfill their promises, they are just consciously choosing not use it and were lying the whole time" and "They're attacking US troops because the US is doing imperialism and destroying and occupying their country. You can literally just leave and these attacks wouldn't happen. Stop destroying Middle Eastern countries" respectively. They know these are the arguments, but they have no real response to them, so instead they ignore them and argue past them to try and portray left-wing critics of the Democrats as fringe loonies.