It's a TV show, but I'm posting here because there is no /c/tv or something.

It's about Charles Lindburgh winning the 1940 election against FDR on an anti-war platform. Things slowly get worse for Jews in America during his presidency, which we see from the perspective of a Jewish family in New York. Lindburgh's supporters get more and more riled up against Jews,

Overall it's pretty good as a show, and the main character is kinda lefty but maybe just a radlib (voted for Debs in the past, but is extremely supportive of FDR). But the ending kinda goes full lib:


It turns out that Lindburgh was being manipulated by Nazis who kidnapped his son (who died IRL), which kind of dismisses Lindburgh's anti-Semitism and Nazi sympathies as just being the result of blackmail.

Lindburgh refuses to straight up Holocaust the Jews ("you see, he wasn't that bad") in America. Instead he was trying to break up Jewish communities by forcing families to move to rural areas with no other Jews, where we see the KKK kill the mother of one such family. The Nazis get mad and demand he meet with them in Germany.

He does so without telling anyone leading to chaos at home. His VP, Burton K Wheeler, becomes acting president and turns out to be the real anti-Semite as he begins preparing and agitating for basically a Holocaust. He arrests some of Lindburgh's allies and forces Lindburgh's wife into the hospital claiming she had a breakdown.

And here's where it gets really lib

After she gets out of the hospital she goes on the radio and asks Congress to remove Wheeler and call a special presidential election (to coincide with the 1942 midterms). Congress does that and only that, as if the result of the new election will just calm down the newly activated anti-Semites and the emboldened KKK and everything will just go back to normal.

In the show the special election is Henry Ford (Linburgh's HUD secretary, in charge of the aforementioned breakup of Jewish communities and clearly shown in the show to be extremely anti-Semitic and racist) vs FDR (and Truman for some reason, half a term early). We are shown election day where everyone seems happy and hopeful, but we are also shown ballots being burned. The show ends not telling who wins.

The book it's based on however, tells who wins and what happens after:
FDR wins, everything goes completely back to normal, Pearl Harbor happens on schedule and history continues on from there exactly as in real life.

TL;DR but also the summation of my points

Basically, just like how libs think of Trump, Lindburgh is shown to be just be an anomaly and a puppet of a bad guy foreign nation, and despite things getting really bad and anti-Semitism being on the rise, all it takes is the right person getting elected for everything to go back to perfectly normal and history to continue on with America being the good guys in WWII once again.

but anyway, here's how I think the show should have gone

Lindburgh wins and is a full on Nazi sympathizer, after a couple years of pretending to be anti-war, America joins WWII on the Nazi side under some false pretense and the show becomes about radical Jewish resistance within Nazi America, leading to a completely changed timeline with America presumably being radically reorganized or just straight up balkanized

But I guess I expected too much from a bunch of lib writers.

Overall like a 7/10, decent idea, decent execution, not so great ending that doesn't fully dive into the implications of the changes of this alt timeline. A leftist rewrite could be pretty good. Could also be a fun HOI4 mod.

Edit: I left out a lot to focus more on the overall political situation, but really it focuses more on the single family (and to an extent the Jewish community around them) dealing with the whole thing. It might still be worth a watch even if you read my summary, if you're interested in the impact the political part of plot has on individuals, families, and communities.