• Kaplya
    1 year ago

    Most Ukrainian politicians and diplomats likely consider the history between Israel and Palestine too complex to distinguish between aggressor and victim. But this does not explain their silence on Israel’s violations of international law in recent days, which are not dissimilar to actions they have denounced previously. Their silence likely has three sources.

    It’s not that difficult to understand: Ukraine sees the Israeli ethnic cleansing project against the Palestinians in Gaza the same as their own ethnic cleansing project against the Russians in Donbass/Crimea (eastern Ukraine).

    Both Ukraine and Israel share the common feature of being the extension of the US imperialist arm in Europe and the Middle East, respectively.

    The difference between Gaza/West Bank and Donbass/Crimea is that the latter had a powerful backing force i.e. Russia that is willing to militarily intervene on their behalf (and for their geopolitical interests, of course), while the Palestinians have none so far.