I know we all hate the feds here, but the atf didn’t start the Waco fires. Denying reality to own the cops isn’t something that we should be doing. This and killdozer are like 2 of the things that pisses me off with the left trying to co-opt libertarian folk heros because pig bad

  • Circra [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Nah, but the gas grenades they also used can potentially start fires. The ATF also lied about using them and when caught out said that they'd used them at a different time. Dunno if I believe them to be honest.

    I don't think they intentionally set the fires, and it does seem more likely that those inside the compound did but the ATF did use devices that can sometimes cause fires and then lied about it. I reckon they realised there was a chance they'd accidentally caused the fires and lied to cover it up.

    The really dodgy stuff is about who shot first in the initial firefight that started the seige. A few survivors insist the ATF fired first. The door of the compound would probably have proven it one way or another but mysteriously the whole door simply vanished.

    But yeah, no one should idolize them at all.