it's so that when Xi presses launch you can say "thanks a lot fam"
Didn't the whole community help raise kids in the past? "It takes a village" and all that?
To me, that makes more sense, putting the burden of child-raising on the parent's alone results in a lot of hardship and stress on the kids and the parents
Naturalist arguments are bad in general. Just because it happened doesn't mean it was better.
But it's true that we are now more alienated and isolated from our community. Who knows all of their neighbours?
It's called a nuclear family because it doesn't respond well to me firing neutrons at it.
it's probably called a nuclear family because it was optimistic at the time. shit just didn't really turn out. how nice it could have been if society didn't fucking ruin it.
a monogamous relationships totally possible, but a lot of outside elements kind of fuck it up, often due to capitalism. look at fucking china's divorce rate compared to the united states
fyi it's called a nucleur family because it contains a "nucleus" of 2 parents