• Grimble [he/him,they/them]
    4 years ago

    "Mr. President, how does your administration plan to approach racial discrimination in America?"

    "L... look man, I- when you used to go down to the billiard hall, down by the old.. the old screen door factory where all my Polish friends were employed, you'd uh, you couldn't - I tell you what you couldn't get five paces into the local billiard hall without seeing a Portuguese! And they, I tell you what, they'd always cheated! At, at the billiards! And even though they, even though they had the place all segregated to keep uh... to keep hip hop off the jukebox (aw sorry man I shouldn't've said that) the Portuguese kids'd come in and... and try to play against the white kids! And I had a friend, I had a friend they called him Jimmy the Bic - cause lemme tell you he once threw a pen like a dart and almost took one of those Puerto Rican gang kids' eyes out! And Jimmy, he was at, I was at, excuse me, we were at the billiard hall one night - it was called Junior's back then - and one of those Portuguese, he come- he came up to us and asked if we could go a round with him. And Jimmy and I knew the moment we bent over the table to shoot our first ball he'd slip his hand in our jean pockets and take our.. our prize Ted Williams baseball cards! So I walked up to him and I said "Listen up Charlie Ruggles, you can play.. as many games as you want against us but the only 8-ball you're ever gonna sink is- is your own dignity!" And I guess the message is... the message is something my dad used to tell me when he got back from World W- Korea- The Spanish-American War. He said no matter how... how many roads you cross... there's uh, always a silver spoon on the other side. And I acknowledge the concept of racism."