This reddit website is full of petit bourgeois Karens who literally think there's nothing wrong with some woke social democrat (flying the trans flag hahaha) running after a black guy for being a sus criminal. I wonder why these socialists who deny indigenous genocide happening in their settler colonialist empire pretend to believe that "black lives matter"?
You know if you throw that accusation around it loses meaning right
Look at all of OP's posts lately and tell me they're actually about a behavior on this site
This is one of the most classic wrecker tactics imaginable, pitting two oppressed groups against each other.
So we just assume any oppressed group airing a greivance is wrecking then?
Considering this site has a bad track record with listening to minorities i dont think that's a great idea
I see, you are also participating
Just gonna ignore the fact it took a large scale purge to get this site to not be shitty for trans people huh
This post is literally ragging on trans people. TCE might not get accused of being a wrecker if their posts
a) reflected something that happens on the site
b) were in any way consistent
c) they did not start as a bit account reposting from a white supremacist website
d) bothered to actually explain a single fucking thing they post ever
Lol you immediately jumped to me being a wrecker for pointing out this site has a proven track record of being bad at listening to minorities
you tried to use accusations of transphobia to defend a transphobic post by an obvious wrecker
edit: sorry forgot to add lol for some reason
No i didn't, i pointed out this site has a proven track record of not listening to minorities
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Maybe wait til they clarify wtf they are talking about before you pull the WrEcKeR shit
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Feels like they touched a nerve lol
feels like this is OPs alt account lol
Incorrect, but nice try lol
It's just weird that you're going so far out of your way to take issue with someone being called a wrecker when they've done nothing to distinguish their behavior from one.
So far out of my way being to say that calling everything you dont like wrecking is bad
still waiting