• raven [he/him]
    8 months ago

    I'm sorry that nuance requires so many words I guess, but when I just got my ass handed to me for using too few you can kind of understand it right?

    "If you use they/'ll never gender someone correctly."

    Explain how that's not reactionary.

    You demanded that I explain a specific thing out of context.

    Oh look I was right, dronerights was not expressing nbphobia it the way you presented it.
    You editorialized it and I recognized that it didn't make sense in context, and challenged it on that basis. I had read every single comment and post by dronerights because I thought it was interesting and if what you said it had said was true I would have remembered it.

    I acknowledged my part in being unclear and maybe I suck at explaining myself but you're making no effort to listen to what I'm actually saying, when you have literally no good reason to think I'm being disingenuous. I'm open to self crit here but I also know that I'm not doing the thing I'm being accused of and If I'm wrong it's out of ignorance not malice.

    • combat_brandonism [they/them]
      8 months ago

      holy shit read the fucking thread in the post you linked, the top comment re-explains what I've been saying in like four words

      the 'nuance' you and it are circlejerking over is just more words saying the god damn thing


      • raven [he/him]
        8 months ago

        Me, three comments up this chain:

        If a person's preferred pronouns are they/them that is valid and those are the pronouns you should use.

        Dronerights, replying to that same top comment:

        I agree.

        Please stop painting me a fucking transphobe. It's a huge stretch to suggest that I think any pronouns except they/them are acceptable but I still went ahead and spelled it out for you

        • combat_brandonism [they/them]
          8 months ago

          lmao what a willful misreading of that thread, transphobe. 'I agree, [more enby erasure]' does not shorten to 'I agree'. Especially when there's more back and forth from a nonbinary person there again saying the exact same fucking thing I've been here, with dronerights behaving exactly the same way there.

          clearly its ban was justified and I'll be surprised-pika when you catch yours too

          stop being transphobic if you don't want that label, cissie.

          • raven [he/him]
            8 months ago

            You might have noticed that I'm not dronerights and I'm not responsible for it's comments, particularly ones made after my initial post, but that "I agree" is uncontestable proof that the specific form of NB erasure you're accusing me of supporting was your misreading.