• axont [she/her, comrade/them]
    3 years ago

    There is a complete lunatic argument claiming that people have some kind of monetary value pegged to their existence, as in, some people are only capable of generating $4 per hour, thus they should have the freedom of working for that amount. If a minimum wage is set at $15, this means the $4 per hour person cannot legally hold employment, nor can they gain enough "skills" to become worth $15 per hour.

    It's possibly one of the most callous things I've ever heard and is on the surface completely evil. It completely disregards the needs of working people, disregards the fact that the bourgeoisie set wages not some kind of magical number floating above the heads of workers, and disregards how much surplus is stripped from workers regardless of the wage they're paid.

    People with this kind of bullshit libertarian outlook truly see reality as a video game like Minecraft.