• PorkrollPosadist [he/him, they/them]
    4 years ago

    I don't think BLM is quite dead yet. Despite one of the most sophisticated campaigns of recuperation and counterinsurgency I've ever seen, the movement has retained its radical character. It's been a cold and snowy winter, which is enough to slow down armies, let alone street uprisings. In the meantime, not a goddamn thing has changed with regards to racial justice in this country. The cold is beginning to break, the David Chauvin trial is right around the corner, and if they don't throw that motherfucker into the oubliette, there very well may be a repeat of what happened in L.A. when the jury found Koon, Briseno, Powell, and Wind not guilty of the beating of Rodney King. On top of that, the immiseration and economic destruction of the Covid pandemic is just as present as ever, people have received little relief from the state, and at some point, the eviction moratoriums are going to be rescinded.

    No matter what happens, I think we're looking at another long, hot summer.

      • PorkrollPosadist [he/him, they/them]
        4 years ago

        Its true. It could flame out the way Occupy Wall Street did, but there are a few things which stand out. The fact that it already came back once with a vengeance. That it originally started under the tenure of one of the most charismatic black leaders the Democratic Party will ever have. The amount of direct exposure millions of people got though independent media like Unicorn Riot as well as amateur streamers (some good, some terrible) as opposed to having NYT, WaPo, CNN, MSNBC, Fox, and NPR control the narrative. The legions of people who now have practical first hand experience battling the cops and demonstrating in the true definition of the term.

        A high water mark was reached, and while nothing has changed in the practical administration of the state, things have changed permanently in the minds of millions. The irony of the Democrats running Joe fucking Biden as "the most progressive candidate in history" is lost on very few people. The fact that they can't even be bothered to pay lipservice, or "defund" the police by a paltry 5%, but instead plan on giving them even more money is lost on nobody. An no one, not Obama, not Kamala, not Booker is going to fool anybody into thinking the Democrats intend to do anything.

        Now more than ever, I think people understand that there is no electoral solution to the problem. Demonstrations broke out in every major city throughout the country and we watched Democratic mayor after Democratic mayor do absolutely fuckall. I don't know. I obviously don't have a crystal ball or anything, but after everything that went down last year I think no matter what comes next, the proletariat will be going into it much more radicalized and experienced than it was at the start of 2020.