• zifnab25 [he/him, any]
      4 years ago

      100 years ago when a dockworkers strike could paralyze a nation

      100 years ago, the nation responded to dockworker strikes with arresting Eugene Debbs and executing The Palmer Raids. The underlying movement had no defense against the first great American Red Scare.

      Folks on this sub love to venerate the early 20th century for its ostensibly large leftist political movements. But y'all breeze by the fact that these organizations cracked like an egg under state opposition and were functionally wiped out by the Reagan Era. The movement was prolific, but it was fragile and weak. Hardly comparable to the Russian Soviets or the Chinese Maoists or the Cuban Revolutionaries.

      If popular support from regular people made any difference to anything in this country, Bernie would be president

      Bernie had a slim majority of support in a single party that made up around 30% of the population. I love the guy, but on the national stage he was going to get wrecked as easily as Hillary and for many of the same reasons. The media hates him. And after Nevada, when they went into a full-tilt panic, it became clear that they were going to go all in against him in a way his still-nascent movement wasn't going to be able to match.

      "Popular Support from Regular People" is fickle and quixotic. It's rooted in the material conditions of the moment, amplified by the media content that informs their perceptions. That's not to say Sanders's support isn't substantial on the ground. But it's not a majority or even a plurality.

      If these movements all come roaring back to life once winter ends and we see another mass wave of protests taking over cities, I’ll be thrilled and I’ll happily eat my words but right now from my perspective it seems like the only thing that matters is control of the media and access to predator drones

      These movements will continue to grow as the pressure that creates them intensifies. I've seen dick all to suggest Biden's administration will do anything to stem the tide of police shootings or sexual assaults. And relatively little to suggest they won't continue to inflame the population at its base. The BLM protests started under Obama, ffs. And they came on the heels of OWS.

      Media doesn't have the capacity to stop this discontent any more than it was able to curb our flirtation with fascism under Trump. And ask the Afghanis how effective flying killer robots has been at silencing dissent.

      We're dealing with the material conditions of the American Public, and they aren't improving.


      Sorry, but it fucking is.