So borrowed my nephews computer to try to play some games on disk and games from the blm bundle event that happened last year I think.
It has a disc drive so tried to put my copy of vampire bloodlines. It downloaded it but won't play it. Also tried downloading celeste from that bundle but don't know how to access it. Said something about opening it or unzip don't remember.
Here are the specs I think
Hp notebook windows 10. Processor AMD A6-5200 APU with Radeon HD graphics Memory 4096MB RAM
Any help would be appreciated.
Might be helpful, this wiki is for getting old games running on newer versions of windows. Link is coming up weird, just copy and paste the url.
Soros you beautiful poster it worked. :party-blob: . Been starting it up and just had the widest grin on my face 😃 while making the intro title screen sounds. My nephews had no Idea what was going on. Gonna use this wiki for other games.
Been noticing some issues but will fix. Also :fidel-salute-big:
If you have any other troubles with games GOG is a good choice too, they reserve engineer old games to run on modern operating systems. If you don't want to pay pm me and I'll link you to a site that has a lot of the games on there for free.
This sounds great. I'll probably hit you up later on that. Once I get bloodlines running still have other games I want to try. Also still figuring out how to add a 3rd party controller to pc. Once again thanks Soros
What kind of controller are you using? It should just be plug and play.
I want to try it in a bit but nephew is doing stuff rn. Will update later.
Don't know about vampire (though for these popular old games it is usually pretty easy to find guides to make them work), but itch has a game launcher if you don't figure out how to launch the game (usually you just have to double click on an executable file)
Gonna try this tomorrow and update too busy playing vamp. Thank you though.