This is the thread to come to when you need to get stuff off your chest but don’t want to bother or upset anyone. Please be conscious of your comrades and use spoilers and CWs as necessary

Also, sometimes when folks vent they just want to get it out, they don’t want advice or feedback or anything, so if that’s you please identify as such and we’ll enforce

If you don’t want people to respond to your venting, start the post with the ❌ emoji

If you really do want or even need responses ✅

If you don't care, don't worry about it :meow-coffee:

If you have any feedback for future venting posts please let me know and i'll discuss it with the other mods!

    • SpookyVanguard64 [he/him]M
      3 years ago

      edit: removed the last sentence. Don’t worry, I’m in a better headspace now


      Good to hear comrade.

    • Ness [he/him]
      3 years ago

      I am sorry this recent strugglesesh has affected you so negatively. The mod team for this comm is here to support and have a safe space for ND comrades, and if there's anything that can be done to help let me know. Your comment may be triggering for some people, so please edit and include a content warning and hide the last sentence in a spoiler box. For any questions about formatting use

      it's been a rough week for all of us. :Care-Comrade:

  • LeninWalksTheWorld [any]
    3 years ago

    How is it possible for one person to do so little work in one day but still feel exhausted as shit?

    ADHD+Depression hell yeah

  • SpookyVanguard64 [he/him]M
    3 years ago

    Should be studying for my optics exam tomorrow, but here I am instead lol.

    The real thing I want to vent a little about though is due dates, and how it's actually kind of nice to have them. Last week, my Quantum Mechanics 2 professor posted the 5th homework for the class, but he still hasn't actually posted the due date for it. Which is a bit of a problem for me, since my executive dysfunction makes it so that I respond much better to external motivation than internal motivation. So while I've actually started working on it a bit, I'm not going to be able to seriously sit down and just work on it until I know exactly when I have to turn it in.

    On the bright side though, spring break is next week for me.

    Edit: They finally added the due date, 2 weeks from now, hell yeah, probably not going to work on it until the end of spring break though lol.

    Edit 2: I got a 100 on my optics exam HELL YEAHHH!!!

    • acealeam [he/him]
      3 years ago

      That is so weird. Does he do that often? I wouldn't be able to start early on that either. I hope it's not a long assignment, having that looming over my head would be a bummer. And quantum mechanics too, yikes

      • SpookyVanguard64 [he/him]M
        3 years ago

        I think it's partly because of the winter storm we had here in Texas. The TA for the class apparently got hit especially hard in terms of power outages which caused them to get behind in grading. I had the same professor last semester and iirc he was generally good in terms of posting due dates ahead of time, so I think it's mostly just due to factors out of his control. Plus, he's probably aware that a lot of us are also taking optics, and since we have our optics midterm tomorrow, he may be doing it intentionally so that people can give more of their attention to studying.

  • Ness [he/him]
    3 years ago

    I randomly encountered a pro smash player in an 1v1 online tourney again. I lost the first match, then spent an hour trying to randomly match into them again. I finally matched into them, and then they suicided in the second round because they were fighting a sonic in the worst lag possible

    I JUST WANT MY BRAGGING RIGHTS :agony-limitless: :agony-immense:

  • ThatsNotPraxis [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Look, to be honest, I'm don't want to dox information about myself. But I just got diagnosed with ADHD at time that almost seems too late in life, and I dunno, it's so bittersweet. Like yes, finally diagnosed and it's great that I'm going to be able to get the help I need to get, but I also have been put through a lot of shit because of being un-diagnosed (like chronic unemployment, a big reason I wanted to get diagnosed is because I would just sporadically quit my job for no reason with no prior planning). It just really fucking sucks how the world is not made for people who are ND. But a small win, and some closure on chapters of my life that never really made sense.

  • 420sixtynine [any,comrade/them]
    3 years ago


    wish I found out when I was younger so I could've learned coping skills when things (school, work, etc) didn't matter

    • SpookyVanguard64 [he/him]M
      3 years ago

      I’m in the recurring “everythings falling apart” phase of my college semester.

      Mood af.

      I'm in the same phase right now, especially since my university recently came back from spring break, so I've been having to try and force myself back into a mindset where I can get work done. Tbh, for me that feeling of falling apart wasn't always warranted in hindsight. Pre-covid I'd steadily built up coping strategies that helped me do better at school as time went on and classes got harder, so I've actually surprised myself on several occasions by doing much better than I expected. I've also done the opposite though where I didn't feel like "everything's falling apart" about certain classes and wound up failing. For example, I got a B in Theoretical Physics despite that class dealing with some pretty high level math that I still feel I don't totally grasp, but I also had to take Multivariable Calculus 3 times in order to get a high enough grade to move on with my degree, despite the fact that on paper it should be much easier that a Theoretical Physics class.

      Everything moving online due to covid kinda ruined a lot of my coping strategies though. It's nice being able to stay at home all day with my family, but trying to take an online Quantum Mechanics course with inattentive type ADHD while living with 5 other people is not easy lol.

      This time I’ve tried to create rules about computer usage to help me stay on task. I’m going to start this tomorrow. Wish me luck!

      Good luck with that comrade. o7

      • 420sixtynine [any,comrade/them]
        3 years ago

        I’m in the recurring “everythings falling apart” phase of my college semester.

        ouch. me too. its so hard where I feel like there's just this inevitable slump I hit no matter how well I'm doing where I fuck myself over

  • Lil_Revolitionary [she/her,they/them]
    3 years ago

    My sister (16) has been struggling with online classes, and as someone with similar issues (undiagnosed but I think we both have ADHD/autism) I've been trying my best to help her along, since my parents don't really understand how to motivate her. But lately, I've failed. She's like 2 weeks behind on math homework and in the past week I've managed to get her through a single assignment. Her sleep schedule is becoming worse and worse and after work I have to beg her to get out of bed at 5-6pm.

    We also share a room so I can't ignore it but god damn I can barely take care of myself. I'd spend hours trying to convince my little sister to get homework done, but she's convinced that she can't do it, and I can't focus on myself or relax in my room til someone figures out how to help her.

    Just spent like 20 minutes of my morning routine stressing about this because once again she was going to bed at the same time I was waking up, and now I'll have to force her out in 10 hours when I get home