420sixtynine [any,comrade/them]

  • 380 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: November 8th, 2020


  • I'm fortunate enough that I don't have many so I'll just share one

    Picture the following: I'm in high school, it's 2 am, I'm driving a beat up kia home from work. One of the headlights goes out as soon as I start driving, I think ah shit gotta fix that tomorrow. I drive on an overpass with the exit I need to take, while on the overpass, I see a speed trap just after the exit, and think ah fuck I gotta deal with this asshole about my headlight, and I have school at in 8 hours. I get pulled over, I pull over as far as I can, there is no road to the side, and my beat up kia will not be able to make it up the side of this road if I venture off of it. Fucking prick spends 20 minutes drilling questions and yelling at me about how I should've pulled of further and that it's dangerous for him to be standing on the empty highway (as in no cars even pass by because it's 2am in a smaller town). The entire time I'm just thinking fuck I hope you do get hit. Asked a few questions about why I was out so late and shit when I had my fucking nametag on from work too, that really pissed me the fuck off.

  • Wonder how I stack up. I did dual enrollment in high school, and I ended up going the STEM path because honestly I hate writing, despite the fact that I was pretty good at it. I haven't really written an essay or read much non-technical/non-STEM stuff in probably 2 and a half years now, and recently I had to submit my junior year writing thing for the university I'm at. I went back through my stuff that I wrote in high school, and found a few good essays to submit. They ended up scoring it at the highest grade they give.

    I felt like I kind of understood the Parenti quote that was along the lines of "do you know what it means to be able to read?" because I could not fully understand the papers that I wrote. Like it took me three or four tries, and that was bolstered by me remembering bits and pieces of it. STEM and it's consequences I guess.