Shit like this really fucks with me. If people here, who came to a website explicitly ML, who believe in everything from wage slavery to reparations to abolishment of all borders, still side with "fuck off, animal slavery is fine" over "enslavement is cruel" then what's the fucking point?

  • Kaputnik [he/him]
    3 years ago

    It honestly feels like there's way more anti-vegan sentiment on this site than there used to be. Not just in the last 2 days but preceding it as well, I'm not sure what happened but it's dissapointing

    • AlexisOhanian [he/him]
      3 years ago

      I think it's a combination of vegans getting tired of refuting the same things over and over, simply asking people not to do animal cruelty, and carnists emboldened seeing people pile-on with these ridiculous rationalizations.

      We're too poor, it's our culture, it's unhealthy, it's not necessary, etc. All arguing for a continuation of a practice that almost anyone that sees it can understand is unethical. And often arguing in defense of an imagined infringed group, not themselves.

      It's tiring and it's got me tired. I've seen a number of vegan users voice that they left the site because they're tired too, so I get it.