Don't care if the name sucks, but it does piss me off seeing simple progress take forever to get finished. I truely vibe with the idea of "Bolshevik Tempo".

“Couldn’t we somehow go a bit slower?” Ordzhonikidze asked, mimicking the critics of the breathless pace adopted by the party as he dismissed them. “That was the whole question. The whole question was: What tempo was to be adopted.”

  1. Ordzhonikidze, “Completion of the Technical Reconstruction of the Entire National Economy,” in Socialism Victorious (New York, 1934), p. 599. At the Central Committee and Central Control Commission Joint Plenum in April 1933, Stalin, explaining the results of the Five-Year Plan, boasted that “the party whipped the country onwards, accelerating its race forward.” That it did. I. V. Stalin, Sochineniia, vol. 13 (Moscow, 1952), p. 183.
  • puppyflat [none/use name]
    4 years ago

    most leftism is done for free or costs money. That's no excuse to delay progress of the simplest tasks.