Link bcs I'm not a lib

  • MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
    1 year ago

    Democrats don't seem very concerned Trump will win.

    If this is so important why are they running such an unpopular, compromised, and frankly senile candidate? Why do they not only reject but actively and vehemently oppose political causes that have overwhelming majorities of support amongst the public? Why do they deliberately disenfranchise potential voters with undemocratic removal of voting rights from prisoners and by blocking paths to citizenship for immigrants and refugees? Why do they carry out voter suppression and make it difficult more difficult fornordinary people to easily vote? Why do they alienate their own party members and voters in favour of geriatric party bureaucrats, billionaire donors, and for profit mercenary consultants? Why is the go to tactic to scold, browbeat, and smear the public?

    Seems to me that not doing/reversing those things make it more likely that millions of people will not vote for them, thus increasing the likelihood of Trump being elected. Why are the Democrats doing something that's 'just like giving millions of votes to Trump'?