fucking course and shit.
Keeps moisture in and sexual partners out, what more could you want?
it's because the smoothness of the brain balances out the roughness of the skin
Evolution: You need a bunch of hair on your ass and balls but clearly not enough to actually keep them warm. Fucking ass stubble is awful as well.
I don't know if it helps but women are supposed to be hairy down there too so don't feel too bad.
preach comrade
the revolution will abolish pubicles for all who dont want them
You're not supposed to put non-vagoo soap near a vagoo, but I will try combing them into a sweet pompadour
I used to hate them and then I had partners who liked them(read:got over comp het)
Why did cis men feel entitled to how I shave my bits?
Pubes are fuckin' hot. Give me dat 70s bush over clean shaven any day.
True, true. Mine annoy me though because they feel hot and scratchy.