Hey fellas

I'm studying to become a teacher, and an assingment i have right now is to design a lesson about socialism vs capitalism. I myself am very anti capitalist, but as a teacher i have to remain neutral during the lesson itself (which of course doesn't mean I can't speak about the clear faults in capitalism).

I was just thinking about interactive (and maybe playfull) ways to teach about socialism and capitalism to students, and hoping you bears had some creative ideas :). It is important I let the students draw their own conclusions, and that they don't follow my line of thinking. In other words, i'm not going to indoctrinate them.

If there is anything that pops into your mind, let me know!

Thanks in advance!

Edit: spoke to my tutor, he said I don't need to remain neutral. So it's just about teaching 16 year olds about socialism in a creative way. Thanks again!

  • Hungover [he/him]
    4 years ago

    I don't know what you're teaching, you're probably designing a lesson about contemporary capitalism vs socialism debate, so this might not be applicable to you.

    I have a clear memory of a high school history lesson. We were covering the beginnings of the Cold War, for example what the different factions of the allies wanted post-war Germany to be like.

    After reading some text book sections, we were grouped up into two sections and had to pretend we were diplomats (one side American, one side Soviet) negotiating some treaty about post-war Germany or something.