We were in the pig barn and I had noticed this guy was very clean for a pig (probably had just been washed for competition?) and had his butt facing us with gigantic balls.

My friends and I had just noticed him and were all looking at his gargantuan balls for no more than 3 seconds when all of a sudden he poops out this huge turd. It fell out his ass, onto his balls and sat on top of them for about 30 seconds before slowly sliding off. I think he made it fall off by taking a couple steps.

We were horrified and couldn't believe what we just saw. It was a very random and coincidental thing for us all to see. I just happened to have my phone out when it happened, felt compelled to document the nastiness, and there you have it. I sent it to Brandon and he posted it up on Reddit for the world to see.

The picture is disgusting but I still think it's hilarious. I had some lucky timing.