Does not bode well.

it was from my latin american history course, favourite one I took, professor taught it from a 100% openly Marxist perspective. Final slide he displayed during his last lecture just said

"There can be no socialism without democracy nor democracy without socialism"

Fuckin based prof.

But anyway this "hegemonic cycle" thing scares the shit out of me given where we are right now.

  • jabrd [he/him]
    4 years ago

    Erik Prince is somewhere in Africa or China trying to prove you wrong. Gonna be cool living through MGS V, I loved that game

    • unperson [he/him]
      4 years ago

      During "Peak Hegemony":

      :amerikkka: Hey UN it's time to murder a fifth of Korea!

      :yes-honey-left: Yes honey.

      During "loss of hegemony" they could not even convince NATO that Iraq had WMDs.

      The fact they he has to try is the proof of their decline.