I remember seeing news stories about this when I was fucking ten. They seem to pop up every five years or so.
Yet my magnum dong is still working just fine.
big penis gang gang edit: this just shows I could be bigger, but George Soros stopped it.
The industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for enormous dongs.
damn they were right all along
Swan’s research finds that these chemicals aren’t just dramatically reducing semen quality, they are also shrinking penis size and volume of the testes. This is nothing short of a full-scale emergency for humanity.
Well, well, well. Maybe the chuds will get interested in this topic now.
Though I will say, I thought this .... I thought the concussions causing impotence would get parents to think twice about having their kids play football, and get kids to think twice about it too, but nope
Chuds tend to be weirdly (but not wrongly) obsessed with this shit actually. Like, often they will care little for the fact that we are literally poisoning the global south with heavy metals, but if something threatens their precious virility, it’s game on.
same fucking story about PFAS repackaged to scare more people and sell ads
im so tired of this shit
I would be really happy to read something that disproves the article. Got anything to throw at me?
oh no its all true enough its just not news lol
the only bit thats 'wrong' is this impression no-ones doing anything, like PFAS are effectively illegal, i bet this is gonna go somewhat like CFCs
If anyone complains about my dick being too small I just shame them for poluting the planet.