As I said before this is an unsafe site for Indigenous people. I’m out. Don’t bother DMing me. I’m scrambling my password and locking myself out of my own account. I’ve grown to care for and trust a lot of you so it’s hard to leave but it is clear that this site isn’t for me. I understand that the world and internet at large is really shitty to vegans so I understand and support the need for a safe space to process your experiences and to practice your dunks. All the best, signing off.

Reposted here since it is invisible where I first posted it.

  • KarlMarxsFingers [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    It's disgusting that the mods decided to nuke the other thread because it was a "struggle session". It's clear to me that their answer to the prevalent and clear racism on this site is to let it go unchallenged and to police those that are most effected by it. This is the natural result of being so focused on growing the site as utmost priority. Particularly if that growth is going to be coming from reddit there is no way that there can be any significant inflow while also ensuring that these attitudes are effectively challenged. Instead the focus should be on creating a community that is actually responsive and safe for it's marginalized and oppressed comrades.

    • GreatestWhiteShark [none/use name]
      3 years ago

      Tbh it seems like their priority is to protect their own / their friends, including those mods / friends that are actively participating in the arguments / rhetoric that's leading to this kind of exodus. Racism going unchallenged, and policing those affected by it, are natural outcomes of this insular and combative attitude as punishing that behavior would mean punishing themselves.

      Or, in other words, mods (COPS) are messy drama lovers that are too deep in the weeds to effectively police their communities

          • DerEwigeAtheist [she/her, comrade/them]
            3 years ago

            I am not new, but this heavy handedness against non-reactionaries who have legitimate problems with the way things are going is. To me at least.

            • dontlisten2me [he/him]
              3 years ago

              I just browse here like 5 min a day and this site and its moderation is a fucking train wreck. There's 0 way I will ever become more engaged, but I enjoy some of the memes here. My unsolicited opinion is that it's wasted energy on the goal of trying to achieve some leftist utopian online space. You can rationalize it as tangentially related to praxis, and I don't doubt those involved doing other things that are great but this website...damn.

              edit I know this comes off as wrecking but I have trouble seeing the point of this website in the bigger picture of an american (yeah this site is american) leftist project. reddit existed already, and served a purpose to help pull people left, but so far ive seen this platform push more people away than educating and maybe I'm being cynical here but i value overall positive outcome more than purity pissing contests. I fully expect to get banned for this comment.

    • PaulSmackage [he/him, comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      I remember seeing this kind of behaviour in facebook groups. The mods and admin would let a lot of shit slide for the sake of growing their numbers. It got to the point where the group imploded after they cracked down on criticism, especially from bipoc and FN who felt that they were ignoring the growing problems in the community.