the study's age range was 10-24.

Article isnt even about video games

  • CrushKillDestroySwag
    8 months ago

    ITT: people acting like it's still the eighties and every single film has tits awkwardly shoved into it.

    Sex is almost completely absent from major motion pictures, and in the smaller films where it still shows up it's almost never titillating (that doesn't automatically mean that it's tasteful or good). Two decades ago there was serious market demand for sex scenes in film, but that was before every single person had an infinite porn tap in their pocket at all times.

    • PM_ME_YOUR_FOUCAULTS [he/him, they/them]
      8 months ago

      What the fuck are these people watching? Euphoria maybe? Game of Thrones?

      I want more sex in my media. Every video game, TV show and movie can only be improved by graphic, preferably gay sex

    • Acute_Engles [he/him, any]
      8 months ago

      I don't watch movies i just catch prestige TV by being in the room while it's on. Maybe it's a choice made by the people watching them but it seems like every single TV show has a sex scene every other episode. If not a R scene

      8 months ago

      "on screen" would include music videos and ads to me. Which both have more sex than I care to see