I think in elementary school I was taught that Jefferson "fell in love with a slave" but it was framed as a positive trait, proving he's not that racist. The fact that he had 6 kids with her and enslaved them until his own death was not mentioned. This is probably common knowledge around here but wtf that's probably one of the most evil things you can do

  • garbology [he/him]
    3 years ago

    It's actually way worse. Sally Hemings was the half-sister of Jefferson's wife, and daughter of his father-in-law. His chef was also the half-brother of his wife...


    Think about that. John Wayles rapes a slave, Betty Hemings, for decades, and enslaves all of his children with her. He then gifts two of those children to his son-in-law Thomas Jefferson, who then rapes one of them, Sally, for decades, and enslaves all of his children with her.