• Bedulge [he/him]
    3 years ago

    Beat me to it. I was gonna say this exact thing. You're just going to listen to some paraphrase from some trot newspaper and have it tell you what to think? Just read the damn thing for yourself directly. Cut out the middle man.

    edit: As you said, it's not an "AOC good" thing but like, they are not even honestly quoting her

    quote from trot paper:

    Ocasio-Cortez presents the Democratic Party as having been completely transformed into a working class party. She says the Biden administration and incumbent Democrats are “totally reinvent[ing] themselves in a far more progressive direction.”

    actual quote by AOC:

    There’s a lot of that work that we can do outside of electoralism. But there is critical electoral work to be done as well. I think the strategy of supporting candidates, when that strategy is very calculated, focused, precise, when we aren’t casting our net too wide beyond the capacities of any given local organization, is extremely effective. Mounting continued primary challenges or just supporting candidates in general, putting candidates in open seats … I’ve seen the impact of it from the inside—how much even incumbent members of Congress will totally reinvent themselves in a far more progressive direction, because they know that their communities are watching.

    like, where does she say that the DNC is now "completely transformed into a working class party"?

    • Contrarian [comrade/them]
      3 years ago

      like, where does she say that the DNC is now “completely transformed into a working class party"

      No where! Like you said, it's not even an honest quote, but when you think about how beneficial it is to have people reading about how progressive Democrats are, the WSWS article makes a lot more sense, and I'm totally expecting further articles from other outlets carving up the interview and basically writing fan fiction

      • Bedulge [he/him]
        3 years ago

        Like you said there, it's a “be accurate in your critiques” thing. Ok, like, I don't even have a very well-developed opinion of her or anything. She's way more accommodating to the DNC than I would like, and I don't blame someone for just saying like "electoralism is a spook; AOC is a lib sucdem" but like, if it's true that AOC BAD then like, just talk about the actual bad things and not the made-up quotes.

        This article is close to 'making up a guy and then getting mad at him for being wrong' levels of inaccurate.