They literally just switched it to something else. If you're on gabapentin for anything off-label (anxiety, bipolar disorder, ect) then, congrats, you're a victim of the opioid crisis!

Not to mention all the abandonded addicts held captive by their own country's medical system. I know people that are being denied help because a doctor prescribed them something that makes them a red flag patient. They didn't want to be an addict you told them it was their only hope!

Please ignore me I'm manic rn

  • Lee [any,they/them]
    4 years ago

    I hope they fucking do I want someone to recognize this. I know it's my mental illness making me overly emotional about this right now and the people close to me suffering triggering it. But fuck man this is hard.

    And I really care about this, honest, I volunteer at a needle exchange program and try to raise awareness... it just isn't enough I can't do enough.

    • LeninWalksTheWorld [any]
      4 years ago

      No one person can ever do enough to fix this country, it always takes collective action. You are already doing so much more than most others and it's obvious you care deeply about the others around you. Thank you comrade for doing your part to try to ease the suffering of this dying nation's people. :red-fist:

      • Lee [any,they/them]
        4 years ago

        Thank you, I'm gonna imagine the real Lenin is saying this to me, get really high, and take a bath. ❤