“The solution is going to come from the private sector, and what government needs to do is create the framework within which the private sector can do what it does best, which is allocate capital and innovate and begin to take the framework that’s been created. ... We need to go after this as if we’re really at war.”
They talked about this on chapo or something recently, I think it's the most succinct way of putting it. There are no political solutions to anything anymore, only technocratic ones.
Cancer? M4A would do so much for people, but Biden is only promising to cure cancer by some miracle treatment that'll somehow be developed in 4/8 years.
Climate Change? Green new deal would be a good start but so would degrowth or any kind of major transition off fossil fuels or massive public transportation investments, but the only solutions offered is somehow some capitalist will save us with geoengineering that is also profitable (somehow).
Homelessness? Decommodifying homes and just letting the homeless live in one of the hundreds of thousands of peopleless houses or building supportive housing would solve it. The only solutions offered are erase zoning and re-enter the regulation of the gilded ages so developers just build even more fucking houses.
Racism? Abolish police, reparations, etc., you know actually do something about it in a material sense. But the only solution to racism offered are pay some consultants to talk to your workforce about sensitivity and buy a shitload of books about racism.
Pandemic? No harsh quarantines, no hard lockdowns, no direct provisioning of goods, no M4A, no guaranteed sick leave. Instead all of our eggs were put into the basket of vaccine development, the pandemic is still here a year later and will possibly be with us forever (just in altered form like the
SpanishKansas Flu of the early 1900s did) never mind the hundreds of thousands of graves that were dug last year just for confirmed cases of covid. There were many more "mystery" pneumonia deaths that were likely just covid but the patient never got a test.Every single issue facing society has political, real, long-lasting solutions. We don't need more technology to fix the problems that face us - we just need political will. But that's not on offer, the only thing that's on offer is hoping silicon valley will save us if we give them enough money.
Technocracy is still only the thin facade thrown over the top.
The market is a religious delusion. Everything good is evidence of the market. Everything bad is evidence of a lack of faith in the market. It's falsifying meaning and patterns where there are none and then assuring yourself that a miracle will come from the chaos.
There is no miracle. Only chaos. And you will drown waiting for one.