That's right. BlueAnon has cracked the secret code and found the REAL mole children, Russians. You can spot a Russian because as a Trump supporter they famously know the correct definition of words. Actually, liberalism means being a freedom fighter.

  • redthebaron [he/him]
    4 years ago

    this makes sense as americans don't use the word like the rest of the world so yeah if someone is speaking in the correct way they are probably a foreigner although incredibly funny that they point out that it is both rusia and THE REST OF THE PLANET and it acts as if we were the wrong ones

    • happybadger [he/him]
      4 years ago

      If it's used in contradiction to its meaning by people who don't know what it means, that doesn't change its meaning or give it a usable new one. Every Christian fundamentalist in the world is sure what the theory of evolution means and they try to culturally redefine it constantly. Anyone with a basic understanding of biology, the barrier to it being a child's textbook about biology, has a full awareness of its meaning and can actually use it coherently in a sentence. Plenty of liberals will call themselves left-wingers but it's because they're stupid and don't read a single book about what that word means or the mechanics of ideology and society. Accepting the legitimacy of their fuck-fuck game means accepting a false narrative and conflict that they control without understanding. An American who reads a book about American history has clear examples of what liberalism means and how it contrasts with the left through the same dynamics it does in every other country.