If you want to call yourself a leftist and don’t even try to make the bare minimum effort to read anything at all. Then what the fuck are you doing?

I know there are serious comrades here that actually want to build class consciousness and plant the seeds for revolution. A revolution that may not even occur in our lifetime. But you know as well as I do, that these goals and aspirations of ours are not idealistic, utopian dreams. No, we have hundreds of years of philosophical thinking, praxis in the forms of proletariat revolutions, and using billions of us in the working class we will win.

Capitalism itself has sown the seeds of its own destruction since its very beginning. And with the collective class consciousness instilled inevitably by the contradictions and antagonisms within capitalism, they have no choice but to inevitably fall to our will.

We alone have the chance to shape not only our futures but the futures of all generations after us. The planet is dying. People are dying. The only ones who are not, are the parasites at the top who live off of the blood, sweat, and tears of not only the working class in the imperial core, but upon those who been subjugated in the developing 3rd world where they have no choice but to accept our help due to the very conditions we instilled upon them during colonialism.

Stop being a fucking liberal. Start being someone who reads theory and understand what is happening in this world and the history that has led us to this point.

  • leftofleft [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    I already gave you the answer about my views. You seem to think I have an "opinion" or some original ideas. I don't.

    • RedArmor [he/him]
      3 years ago

      I already gave you the answer about my views.


        • RedArmor [he/him]
          3 years ago

          Sure, and Marx changed and tweaked some of his views throughout his life. All I am asking is, what do you believe in as a leftcom, or as someone who “identifies online as a leftcom”?

          And since you won’t answer I know you’re just full of shit and other comrades have confirmed this. :ban-hammer:

          Edit- I want you to tell me what you believe in as I have asked before constantly and you just tell me to read marx. Lol

          • leftofleft [none/use name]
            3 years ago

            Sure, and Marx changed and tweaked some of his views throughout his life

            What are those views? I changed my views too. I used to be an anarchist, then an ML.

            All I am asking is, what do you believe in as a leftcom, or as someone who “identifies online as a leftcom”?

            Do you want me to list out all the talking points on historical materialism, the role of the party, critique of commodity production, criticism of anarchism, criticism of other socialisms, criticism of economics, criticism of morality, criticism of religion, role of the state etc? Here's a reading list - https://www.reddit.com/r/Bruhinternational/comments/m53hon/official_rbruhinternational_reading_list/

              • leftofleft [none/use name]
                3 years ago

                You posted a polemic that criticizes the tactics of the Dutch-German leftcommunists. Can you explain how it is relevant here?

                • RedArmor [he/him]
                  3 years ago

                  It is a breakdown of Left Wing Communism by Lenin. Since you can’t read it. There are plenty of relevant quotes here that would refute anything you said. If you said anything. But you’re just trying to wreck a post for some reason like a clown :jokerfication:

                    • RedArmor [he/him]
                      3 years ago

                      Okay so you are saying you are a leftcom, but you don’t identify as one, only online. I post the ebook and a podcast breakdown of the text. And you say you agree with it, even though it refutes the idea of left wing communism within the title?

                      Are you a worker? Lol because I am.

                      If I am so wrong in defending Marxism-Leninsm then please please please tell me why you are more correct than me.

                      • leftofleft [none/use name]
                        3 years ago

                        Like I said, "leftcoms" are an online thing today. There is no leftcommunist party or movement. We are just communists. Lenin's criticism is of the German leftcommunists in the 1910s who rejected the role of the party, which goes explicitly against what Marx advocated, and against what historical experience has shown to be a necessity.

                        Criticism of Marxism-Leninism - https://www.marxists.org/archive/bordiga/works/1952/stalin.htm