• Catradora_Stalinism [she/her, comrade/them]
    8 months ago

    not at industrial scale, part of the problem with chicken farming is the selective breeding has created birds that have too many eggs to stay healthy which can't be solved by any amount of free-range.

    thats horrible, god damn what.

    Maybe we can do some wacko scifi shit like deliberately encepha- i don't remember the term- where the animal only has autonomic systems and never grew enough brain to suffer. Those actually would be Descartes's meat robots but I'm sure people would find that sort of genetic engineering distasteful even if the assumptions baked into the idea pan out. Maybe i'm overcomplicating it and you could just 3D-print genes into gametes and form the eggs in an artificial whatever macro eggs form in, i'm not a chicken doctor.

    I really think no one would like having brainless animals be their food, it sounds too unnatural. I wonder what the future holds in these kinds of sciences. What will happen if we can grow meat and eggs in a lab or normal setting without any animal abuse, we could alter the meat to be healthy and then the problems with it could be fixed. Although it seems like a lot of effort for things that can be replaced in any socialist future.

    • JohnBrownNote [comrade/them, des/pair]
      8 months ago

      I really think no one would like having brainless animals be their food, it sounds too unnatural. I wonder what the future holds in these kinds of sciences. What will happen if we can grow meat and eggs in a lab or normal setting without any animal abuse, we could alter the meat to be healthy and then the problems with it could be fixed. Although it seems like a lot of effort for things that can be replaced in any socialist future.

      yeah a rack of anencephalic (looked it up lol) animals would be a shocking sight since our only frame of reference would be a situation where the animals are capable of suffering.