I'm trying to find an essay, research, or any deeper analysis about why some people, most often conservatives, don't understand film. One of my FB friends posted this meme and it got me thinking about this phenomena.

Some people watch a film* and take the characters and the story completely at face value. They don't see any deeper message from the director. They don't understand that Goodfellas for example, is not a film about a couple of cool guys. Scorsese is not endorsing their behavior or their values.

Any help diving deeper into this topic is appreciated.

*By the way, you could say the same for literature, but since most people don't read past high school. I wanted to focus my question on film.

ETA: Thanks everyone for engaging with me. I've been a lurker and commenter since the early Reddit days, this was my first post.

    • blobjim [he/him]
      4 years ago

      Well a lot of idiots pride themselves on not listening to the biased TV and print news media. What they don't realize is that they just get fed that exact same propaganda in the form of a radio show, podcast, YouTube channel, movie, TV series, or from a friend who does watch TV news or read a newspaper. People can't grasp that they get this stuff through osmosis just going about their lives, not exclusively through some George Orwell 1984 type deal where propaganda entirely involves written words or literal television sets.