TF2 lobbies are completely infested with Waffen-SS bots

I just wanna pootis spencer and wave my festive tilapia at people

  • DragonNest_Aidit [they/them,use name]
    3 years ago

    I've been getting an increasingly bad vibe from TF2 players when their collective reaction to the tide of racist n-wordkiller bots is a shrug, and only took objection because they use aimhack.

    Meanwhile the subreddits have a lot of these "anti pedo" post where they spread the 4chan propaganda of pedos being part of the pride movement; usually twitter screenshots of some sort of a "pedo pride" account followed by a tf2 character reacting. By the comment section it's obvious that they're getting the message and dogwhistles homophobia and transphobia in return.

      • aaaaaaadjsf [he/him, comrade/them]
        3 years ago

        Yes lol

        Since the game was never released on the playstation store, you'll have to get the physical game disc or the iso from somewhere, but yeah it's a thing.

      • AtomPunk [he/him]
        3 years ago

        This. It’s not a meme that Valve prints money instead of developing games, their resources are spent towards Dota and CSGO to further monetize their esports scene. Day of Defeat, Left 4 Dead, Portal et. al are seemingly dead in the water because they can’t be monetized similarly.

          • KobaCumTribute [she/her]
            3 years ago

            they’re shitty in their own, unique, way

            Valve is very interesting to read about because they're nominally a flat hierarchy despite being a capitalist corporation with private owners and no workplace democracy, and the result is basically that they've turned into a bunch of toxic cliques that anyone going to work for them need to carefully navigate and join on their own initiative in order to actually end up working on anything and so avoid being fired for not working. This is also why they've basically stopped making new large scale projects (with only a very few exceptions): those require clear organization and vision and while as I understand it people at Valve could technically just start doing one of their own accord, if they didn't get enough other people on board to make it viable they'd end up getting ousted for not being productive, meaning no one wanted to take the risk or be left holding the bag for it so they instead just try to attach themselves to the popular and "prestigious" cliques, which are obviously the ones making Valve's owners money hand over fist for minimal investment.

            It's like a case study in exactly how not to minimize hierarchy and leadership, resulting in everything toxic about both corporate work environments and leaderless organizing being rolled into one dysfunctional package.

  • SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
    3 years ago

    Someone on here was telling me there's this one game, I think it's like a medieval combat game, that all players do is sit at the spawn point and talk racist shit all day. No one actually plays. Gamers and fascism, iconic duo etc etc

    • Doomer [comrade/them,any]
      3 years ago

      You're thinking of Mordhau. The situation got a lot better when the Admins starrted banning people for their chat messages. I only see racist shit like 1 in 5 times I play now.

  • toledosequel [none/use name]
    3 years ago

    Yeah I kinda stopped playing after a while, and I had over a thousand hours on it. Getting called hard r every game, bots everywhere, no updates, the games just now worth it anymore.

  • AnarchoCynicalist [any]
    3 years ago

    For a game still bringing in this much money for valve it´s a real shame. Good thing there are various community alternatives to the actual game out there or in development. The bot thing has been a problem for years now, and what was the "fix" that took them years to come up with? Disable chat for f2ps so all the botters have to first pay valve to then spam their racist shit. Its a farce.

      • AnarchoCynicalist [any]
        3 years ago

        Tf2 is free and to get p2p you just have to buy things worh a few cents in the store. It´s even worse. And this isn´t even only cheaters we are taking about. They are 100% automated bots with aimbot that populate servers as well as normal cheaters. They never even get properly banned anymore, even when they are caught blatantly cheating. It´s a joke.

        • AtomPunk [he/him]
          3 years ago

          Yup. A group of 6 spinbots join each team and alternate between votekicks on different players. As soon as one vote goes through (regardless of outcome), they leave so you can’t properly kick them. They resume populating the lobby.

      • KobaCumTribute [she/her]
        3 years ago

        The reason there are so many cheaters in GTA Online is because people can buy a new account from G2A or similar sites for a couple bucks.

        It's a lot worse than that: a key problem is that GTAO's netcode is an absurd mess of bad practices that should never have made it to production, let alone been allowed to sit unaddressed for seven years. It's not just client-authoritative and P2P: every client just naively trusts everything any other client sends, and somehow the report feature is also tied into the P2P networking so your client has to tell the other clients "hey I'm reporting you, that's ok right?" and the target can just say "no u", block the report, and autoreport you instead. The same thing goes for votekicks: they rely on the targeted player's client to obey and leave, and also don't rely on a consensus from connected players so a single client can just send the "lmao you were votekicked" message to yours and your client will politely disconnect you from the session. It's just mindboggling how poorly designed it is from a security standpoint, where there's just absolutely no sanity checking of inputs to make things like forced teleports or kicking you from your own organization impossible. Rockstar doesn't even play whack-a-mole with it to target specific exploits the hacked clients use, they just ignore the problem completely.

  • LeninsRage [he/him]
    3 years ago

    play the spy and roleplay as the communist french resistance

  • stevaloo [they/them, she/her]
    3 years ago

    Oh wow. Didn’t know they were spewing fascist shit now. I liked it in the context of a response to valve incrementally ruining the game, but it’s not entirely shocking that a game with a playable chud is letting its mask slip.