What the fuck is a lime rick? - me for too long
What the fuck is a lime rick? - me for too long
The problem seems to be in the inner upper right hand corner
I think there is a kernel of a conversation to have in this statement, but it is hard to have it in a country that has the attitude the US has about drugs and drug users.
Oh no, guess I have to listen Hand Crushed by a Mallet 100 times in a row again
Reminds me of the people hiding in trashcans on the Sega Genesis game Toejam And Earl.
I'd like to be the monster who looks like a blender motor and no arms
Kinda looks like Kevin Spacey tbh
Genuinely unsure if this guy can tie his shoes
Those two knuckleheads... I swear.
I think there should be a d-beat band called "disone." As in, "Hey which d-beat band are you listening to currently?" "Oh, disone."
It also has the second best foldout poster, distant second to Penis Envy there as well.
Can't disagree with you there :)
I'd also say Stations of the Crass is the better Crass record, but who's counting
I mean only if they know what the fuck they are talking about. Someone like this saying they are far left is meaningless at best.
I wish that was the case, but I'm afraid it is more a case of the word "liberal" having more stigma and people not wanting to be associated with it anymore.
I think the first Pelican record Australasia is pretty good