I have heard that it is anti semetic to "deny israel has a right to exist"
Which makes me curious. Is it a generally accepted premise either in law or just by people that countries have "rights"?
I think of rights as something people have.
If countries do have rights, is exisiting one of them?
I agree. My question was less about Israel having this right. I am wondering if "has the right to exist" is discussed about any other country or if it was created just for this situation.
Do Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Ireland or any other have "the right to exist"?
I'm certainly not a geopolitics professional but I can't think of any other nation that people claim has a "right" to exist. The closest thing I can think of as far as Westerners trying to argue legitimacy would Taiwan, maybe? But I don't think I've ever seen it defended as having some innate right to existence.
iirc some people used to say some kind of kurdistan has the right to exist but doesn't care about them anymore so i haven't heard about rojava or anything for several years
none of the more established nation-states act like they're under existential threat as the zionists do, so it doesn't really come up. I think the primary purpose of the argument is to whitewash israel's atrocities and it doesn't have much to say about geopolitics.
Oh yeah, I think you're right. I'm surprised we don't hear East Turkestan has a right to exist, now that I think about it