These are my beliefs:

  • Workers should control where they work at and receive proper equity from the value they create.
  • Non-essential industries should not be controlled by the government, essential industries should be, for the most part.
  • People should be able to have some say in who gets into government positions (at a minimum, like Vietnam or Cuba).
  • Social democrats are not the same as fascists.
  • Regular people (non-politicians, pundits and/or wealthy people) who happen to be liberals are likely well-intentioned and could be educated.
  • Military action should not be taken unless you are being directly threatened by another country.
    • Ryan_Holman [he/him]
      4 years ago

      How do you feel about housing?

      I think everybody should guaranteed a quality place to live.

      Additionally, I basically think that landlords are the scum of the Earth.

      Are grocery stores and farms ‘essential industry’? Logistics and transportation?

      I would say that they are essential, but I do think that the workers should control, perhaps after a period of government ownership.

      What does government controlling industry mean?

      They own it.

        • Ryan_Holman [he/him]
          4 years ago

          How would you want housing constructed and distributed. planned, free market, mixed?

          Does the state or tenets own homes? Mixed?

          I suppose mixed. There should be planned housing for everybody, but if a person or family wants to build there own independently, they should be allowed to. This could mean that they buy a home from somebody else.

          Does government distribute necessary goods for free? Only guarantee workers ownership?

          If it is a government service, people would get it for free. If it is a worker's group, there is likely a transaction.