These are my beliefs:
- Workers should control where they work at and receive proper equity from the value they create.
- Non-essential industries should not be controlled by the government, essential industries should be, for the most part.
- People should be able to have some say in who gets into government positions (at a minimum, like Vietnam or Cuba).
- Social democrats are not the same as fascists.
- Regular people (non-politicians, pundits and/or wealthy people) who happen to be liberals are likely well-intentioned and could be educated.
- Military action should not be taken unless you are being directly threatened by another country.
There is nothing to be gained (and everything to be lost) from having a for-profit mindset for entertainment/commodities. A non-profit mindset can only be supported by removing the profit motive which is achieved via nationalising.
SucDem nations are currently doing fascist actions while still calling themselves SucDem.
If and when we get power, the bourgeois aren’t gonna be on our side. We will have to spectate them from power, not anyone else. We will have to, say, put Tim Cook in house arrest and reorganise Apple. You’ll be surprised how quickly we can deal with climate change once we get power.
Socialists have a duty to defend themselves and free others.