• MolotovHalfEmpty [he/him]
    11 months ago


    People are "obsessed" with Palestine because it's been blatantly obvious that this very thing, this genocide, has been (at least for a lifetime) just around the corner the whole fucking time! Wholly funded and supported by the very states that it's "strange" people are obsessed about it in (just say white peole you fucking racist)! The most recent phase of which alone has been ramping up for longer than the entire Nazi rise to power, WW2, Holcaust, and fall of the Nazi regime! This has been the plan, the agenda, backed by our states for longer than I've been alive! And it's often seemed like the only things holding it back have been opposition in backer countries and the potential geopolitical fallout! People are obsessed because it's the most brazen, openly planned crime against humanity in a century and the absolute bottom of the barrel, lowest bar, simplest moral test imaginable! If you can't meet that standard you have no moral compass and your values are genocidal white supremacy, that's it!