They can do that shit but still can't make me not dread the day I have to update their proprietary piece of shit driver on linux
bump amber whataboutism volcel police
The ancient Athenians were technically the most democratic of their time, but the reason why they were able to even go to such levels was precisely because the majority of the population in helots and women, literally did most of the work for them. Of course they could afford to be so politically inclined when they barely had to do shit. Much in the same vein the collective west colonized and pillaged the rest of the world, and then have to fucking nerve to call the third world countries corrupt, undemocratic etc. No shit you could afford to develop your societies in every way imaginable when you can just live off the rest of the world.
In terms of their foreign policy, what the Athenians did to Melos when they tried to avoid war and declare neutrality is enough to draw the parallel there lol. And finally, the Delian League and NAFO/EU are both military and economic alliances which are in theory voluntary organizations of independent states, but in reality are just a way of both of their hegemons (US and Athens) to project power.
bump amber whataboutism volcel police
bump amber whataboutism volcel police
When you think about it, the US is just the bootleg version of Ancient Athens and NATO/EU is their own Delian League off temu.
amber whataboutism volcel police
bump amber whataboutism volcel police
Yeah, I frequently lurked that sub even before this whole fiasco, and they have a surprisingly good record of correcting their own brainfarts. Like that MH370 flight thing that was a 30 year standard library vfx from some obscure website. We'll see how this all culminates, but it's definitely between ayy lmaos and government/lockheed martin fuckwads.
Not to mention the plane theory is just stupid af, like yeah, the only organization in the country that knows the movement of every single blip in their airspace is just randomly shutting it over airbases because of planes lol
Something is definitely fucky going on and it feels like someone is lying about whatever it is
Agree, and I dislike how the majority of the board took some morons not knowing what a plane is and ran with the narrative that it's just all a bunch of planes and planets. There are things definitely hovering in the sky, now whether this just some military exercise (very likely), or actual (probably not lmao, but that would be so fucking cool), remains to be seen.
If you wanna get real conspiratorial, maybe they're creating mass hysteria against these drones so they can carry out a false flag, blame it on China/Iran (since we already had that mothership story), and then be allowed to do whatever the fuck they want
bump amber whataboutism volcel police
bump amber whataboutism volcel police
It's not git gud elitism, in fact what spurred me to make this post was those fuckers appearing everywhere I went when I had any complaints whatsoever about this game.
There's a difference between reusing some assets for graphics, enemies and the such, and reusing something that is supposed to be the bread and butter of the experience you want to present to the player. Like, the System Shock Remake pretty much reuses the same fucking boss every single time lmao, yet I think that game is absolutely amazing. Again, boss fights aren't central to the experience System Shock offers. FromSoftware has set a precedent in their other games where most of their boss fights each felt unique and challenging, but fair. Not every boss is like this, but most of them are. In this game, bosses feel more like just another mob/NPC encounter (probably because a worrying amount of them are). Not a unique challenge you know you're gonna have to take some time to master, but just another roadblock you bump into that you instantly forget even existed.
I've heard that, but at the same time when I did use them, it honestly just felt too easy and mindless. Instead of actually learning their attacks, it mostly just felt like endless spamming whilst the summon takes the brunt of the damage for you.
I mean sure, it's technically possible to beat the game on sl1, but even those people use mostly broken builds, as far as I could see. The bosses just aren't fun anymore, it's all about waiting for the boss to do his 50 hit combo, and if it's an attack where he can input read you attack, he just chains into another one and you're just fucking dead. Just feels like the middle class has been extinguished, you're either a souls pro who does a no-hit, sl1 run of the whole franchise in 1 go for fun, or you're a newcomer fine with just using spirit summons to do work (not judging people who do this, just personally not the way I wanna play). After every fight in the other games, while there was some bs, I mostly felt like me dying was my own mistake, and me actually beating the boss was rewarding. In Elden Ring, it felt like the me dying was mostly some bs, and me beating the boss left me mostly empty.
I really didn't like my experience with Elden Ring, since it's more about optimizing builds at this point than just that classic learn the pattern and punish soulsborne has been known for. This seems like even further straying from that formula, which makes it just another game in a medieval action rpg genre, no different than the rest. Not to mention that I'm really not looking forward to fighting bosses I already beat in the other games. Just seems like they found their cash cow and are milking it for all it's worth at this point.
Eh, it screams enshittification to me, but we'll see
Which would be fine if I didn't see fucking nameless king in the game lmao. Like, I'm 100% sure the bosses are just gonna be mostly copied from the other games. I mean they fucking copied a regular boss of the main game as a DLC boss in Elden Ring, let alone a game where they can justify their blatant laziness. I'm moreso making fun of the delulu git gud fanboys who defend their laziness with bs excuses such as lore.
And then clueless Americans have the fucking nerve to say "but why are people poorer in muh gommunism, checkmate carl mark!1!!1". Like you can compare America who had 80 years of uninterrupted peace in their mainland (1865-1945), whereas the Soviet Union and Russia just in the 20th century went through 4 major wars, one of which killed 27 million people. Because socialism is this smoking gun that can instantly overcome an unimaginable geopolitical and economic advantage that the west has had throughout history.