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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 3rd, 2023


  • That's a terrible thing to be considered normal. Those students were on break, on vacation. I didn't do work for my job when I was on vacation! I hate cheating, but I hate that you made them take an exam on break even more.

    Edit: "Class, I see some of you did not understand the way I require work to be shown. For this reason, I will reteach my requirements. Those of you who did not understand will be given an opportunity to retake the exam."

  • Bananas. Uggghhh, that slimy texture. Texture is hugely important to me.

    My food cannot touch on the plate. And I will eat my foods separately, too. All the veggies until they're gone, then all the meat and so on.

    Shirts cannot touch too closely around my underarms and neck, so I'm sadly usually wearing shirts a size or two too big.

    No tags, ever.

    During cold weather, I wear sweatpants & shirts inside out because the way the seams feel next to my skin skeeves me out.

    Socks make me feel claustrophobic.

    I cannot sleep unless I'm naked.

    Sometimes I have to pull my hair back in a very tight pony tail because it drives me crazy if it touches my face. At night, although I can't wear clothes, I must wear a little sleep cap to be extra sure my hair doesn't touch my face. (I often dream about shaving my head and feel the most exquisite relief. Then I wake up.)

    I read 3 to 4 books at a time, switching out every couple of chapters. Don't know why, except that I love to read and there's so many books and so little time. I do finish them all, eventually!

    There's more, but I'll spare y'all. I've been diagnosed with ADHD (it took years for my team of doctors to decide between mild autism and ADHD) and this thread is making me wonder if any of y'all divirge a bit from the norm also?