Blorbis83 [he/him,use name]

  • 15 Posts
Joined 4 years ago
Cake day: August 28th, 2020


  • It's that or it's some asshole in a decked out sports car and it's like "yeah ok you look real cool stuck in traffic trying to go to the store like the rest of us, guy.""

    Also Ford F-150 drivers are the fucking worst on the highway, the most aggressive people I've ever seen.

  • Ok let’s engage with this take then: Christianity bad; what do you want people to do? Do you want billions of people to abandon it? What if they don’t want to do that? Are you going to re-educate them? They’re not going to want that either. You want to wipe us out? Right? That’s the end goal that you want if you think we’re all scum my guy.

    And so fucking what if I have viewpoints that go beyond socialism? So what if maybe I think there’s a world beyond this? Maybe that’s FINE because informs me that I’ll be fucking judged for how I act in this life and that the right thing to do is fight capitalism in any form that it fucking takes religious or not.

    What is the fucking end goal of communism if people can enjoy or explore things that aren’t trying to feed themselves? People WILL have religions and spiritual beliefs, people WILL HAVE PHILOSOPHIES that aren’t purely Marxist and maybe that isn’t always a bad thing.

    All I’m asking of you is what you want Christians to do; they’re not going to lay down and have thousands of years of tradition be destroyed.

  • The idea that most Christian sects or even the people who are in then believe non-believers get sent to hell is an incredibly erroneous statement my friend.

    I’m not sure what your end goal would be for fellow Christian socialists but I’m not sure I’d want you at any levers of power if you’re implying what I think you’re implying.

    If you and other leftists here don’t want even the best of Christians around then I’m thoroughly ashamed to be apart of this community. The Christian socialist goal has partially been to rehabilitate a faith followed by BILLIONS so that it is compatible with a kinder, socialist and Christlike world view. I’m not trying to downplay the fact that the crimes of capitalism are done in part by Christians or in the mask of Christianity but for you to condemn us ALL is not going to make us feel like we have a place here too.

  • While I understand many of my comrades- especially my trans, LGBTQ, or Neurodivergent comrades- have had bad (to put it VERY mildly) experiences with certain forms of Christianity it is rather disappointing and disturbing that there are comrades in this thread who are willing to completely disregard the many Christian socialists that also exist in AES countries, or the many religious socialists that exist in general. I’m also rather perturbed by the anti-theist attitude I’m seeing from my comrades, as I feel it is a reactionary analysis of the true enemy that corrupts every ideology, that being capitalism.

    Religions are human institutions with human flaws and human strengths, all striving to achieve or promote values that go beyond the material world and I think that’s pretty fucking great considering how soulless and materialist (in the non-Marxist sense) capitalism is. Religions generally have core values that often resonate with us, and they may even provide for us ways to strengthen our moral compasses as well as provide spaces for wisdom and compassion in our fight against the enemy.

    Yes, they can be corrupted by wicked men and capitalistic powers, but so can every other ideology ever. Let’s try not to alienate potential comrades by completely dismissing Christianity or any religion (as if they were all monoliths) as “evil” or “a death cult”.