CTE_SUPERFAN [she/her]

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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: December 27th, 2022


  • CTE_SUPERFAN [she/her]tourbanismDrink some linden, Peter
    2 years ago

    Edmonton is finishing off the year with a budget surplus and they still keep fucking up the plowing.

    People don't like bike lanes here because they don't plow them. We aren't the northernmost or snowiest city to have bike lanes - there's places in like Finland with more snow - but do have some pretty poorly maintained and poorly implemented bike lanes! You have to plow them, it's not impossible, you just have to pay people to do it and the city decides it doesn't wanna do that and instead give tax breaks to the guy that runs Rexall and give another couple hundred million to the cops on top of their (first in North America) automatic budget increase.

    Edmonton is also the city that neolibs and chuds get to implement whatever stupid fantasies they like. Alberta is the home of the socred movement, dreamed up of in the UK by a STEM guy who "solved" capitalism by engineering it. Edmonton has the most unpaved parking lots because one guy in the 70s said parking was bad - which is objectively correct but you have to also pair that with mass transit or else you just get car-brain infrastructure without any of the convenience of having a car. Whatever stupid fantasy a neolib could want to implement can find its home here.

    Our number one most powerful political figure here isn't the mayor (a former high level Liberal cabinet minister) but the totally unelected and unaccountable chief of police, so of course everything sucks except giving billionaires tax breaks for the Oilers to suck once again and to screw around with bike lanes and fuck up the LRT.

  • I've always been curious about the proles, they're like 80% of society or whatever and are "free" and presumably well taken care of. The outer party is like the PMC I guess, which maybe is why libs and shit love it so much because it's their nightmare. Would be cool to see an actual prole uprising while the inner and outer party are busy jerking themselves off about how much power they have over what newspapers report and what textbooks say.

  • I love it because so many people made so much money on Facebook but it's not enough, it has to continue to grow, so instead of letting the thing die a graceful swan's death and wind down over a decade or whatever they completely reorient the company into turning the entire physical world into Facebook lol. Which according to SV brain is a reasonable thing to want and something a bunch of CS nerds with a billion dollars can actually do.

  • I did the painting for this dude who had a double decker garage. He couldn't use his under-garage for a year because he fucked up the measurement, his trucks and shit wouldn't clear the ceiling as they drove down the ramp.

    He also had an indoor basketball court and a bowling lane. Crazy shit, seeing it all just makes you think of the people who get fucked over for surplus value in the imperial core and then worse in the global south.

  • Man played a lil too much Vicky 3 before posting today.

    Nation states will dissolve as a useful concept as the contradictions are heightened, they're made by and for capitalism and by the time stuff like "Texas and California will seceed" becomes a realistic possibility we'll have passed through the socialism or barbarism keyhole. Sure, there might be a USA and even a few Americans but the mountains are tall and the emperor is far away and all...